We've made some improvements to our front entry way with some decorative planters. I had mentioned a couple of months ago that I would also like to change the front door. However, we are going to hold-off on changing it for now. We went a bit crazy with our rear deck and garden budget so the new door will have to wait! I'm still not really sure what would look best in place of our current door. I would like to have a more custom looking wood or fiberglass door but I don't know if that style will look out-of-place on our modest cottage style house. A door with a rustic theme is what I have been considering. Here are some examples of what I have been looking at:

I am hesitant to go with a solid wood option as it would take a serious beating in our extreme climate. Fiberglass is probably the more practical option. I will need to think it over and revisit a replacement next Spring. Maybe I will just learn to love the perfectly good door we have. Until then at least the front entry is looking much better than before!