September 5, 2018

Grocery Shopping

I popped to the grocery store a few weeks ago for  some of Andrew's favorite British foods. It was a grocery store that I don't normally shop at, but it stocks British Food so I had to make an exception. While leaving the store, I noticed a silent auction set-up for a print that immediately caught my eye. It was definitely time to replace the framed print above our fireplace, so I doubled the minimum bid and wasn't surprised that I had the winning bid a few days later. OK, doubling the minimum bid was probably more than I needed to be successful.
The piece is framed beautifully and is probably worth much more than the print itself. Unfortunately, it's not framed with non-reflective glass (always do this!!) which is obvious in these photos. Nevertheless, this print of Authur Lismer's 'The Channel' is a welcome addition!

~ Have you been bundling-up on these cool crisp mornings? Here comes Autumn!... ~